The Blue Room is a centre that provides support and guidance to students who are having difficulties managing their own behaviour for a variety of reasons.
The focus of the support provided in the Blue Room is to enable students to better understand their behaviour and how to moderate their performance in the classroom and in the school grounds.
Inappropriate behaviours resulting in a referral to the Blue Room may include such things as:
- long term truancy
- bullying including cyber-bullying
- smoking
- theft
- curriculum issues
- misuse of personal or school electronic devices
- dress code infringements.
Consequences and outcomes could include:
- Student monitoring sheet
- Blue Room isolation
- Litter duty
- Referral to other support services
- Request for District Behaviour Support Team assistance
- Lunchtime detentions
- Suspension.
The Blue Room also co-ordinates and administrates applications for Tax file numbers and our Year 10 Work Experience programme.
The Blue Room is open all day, everyday in term time and the Blue Room team are always willing to listen and help no matter how great or small your problem may be.