The 'Step Up to Redcliffe High' program is designed to build on the confidence Year 6 students gain by visiting the school.
Step Up allows students to get to know some teachers, have more confidence moving about the school, learn about different teacher delivery styles and to develop their confidence and expectations of success.
Some of Step-Up’s programs (mainly those aligned to the Programs of Excellence) function as extension programs for students who are highly able or gifted/talented at particular subjects.
Transition to high school is a period of change that can be both challenging and exciting, in which children and families adjust to new roles, identities and expectations, new interactions and new relationships.
Research has identified the 7 key issues that affect students as they transition from primary school to high school. They are:
The challenge of new procedures.
New types of learning activities.
The role of peers.
The role of homework.
Feelings of success and confidence.
The role of teachers.
The role of school support.
Research has also shown that the feeling of connectedness to secondary school was a significant predictor of academic and health outcomes. Higher connectedness to school was related to fewer classroom and peer problems, fewer emotional problems and greater pro-social skills.
For further information please contact HOD Junior Secondary, on (07) 3897 1211