Who are members of the Interact/Student Representative Council?
All students who are interested in leadership and/or taking part in community and charity programs at Redcliffe State High School are encouraged to join this group. This allows the students to work with those outside their immediate peer group and with outside agencies such as Rotary.
Why have a Interact/Student Representative Council?
This group provides a vehicle by which all students can be heard by the management of the school and is one of the key mechanisms by which students can successfully complete the SABER Leadership Program. Completion of the SABER Leadership Program is mandatory for all students wishing to nominate for formal leadership positions in Year 9 and Year 12. Further, the structure of the SABER Cells allows younger students to learn from older students, and for the older students to mentor those in junior grades.
When do we meet?
The entire SRC meets every week. This is to plan events, receive leadership training, and celebrates success. Individual groups may meet more regularly on a needs basis near the time of the events they are organising. Meetings are currently held on Thursdays at first break, in R13.
For information or enquiries please contact Mr Mark Grosert, Interact/SRC Coordinator on (07) 3897 1111 or send an e-mail.